Stretch marks tell a beautiful story about your body that is extremely unique to you! Stretch marks show that our bodies are capable of surviving incredible change. Here are 7 reasons you should embrace and love your stretch marks!

1: Everyone has them! No matter your weight, height, size, or body shape, everyone has stretch marks!
2: They are incredibly cute!
3: Our bodies are supposed to change, and the changes our bodies go through are incredible! From puberty to rapid muscle growth to pregnancy, the female body is something to be celebrated as it is truly amazing!
4: They come in a range of different colors and sizes!
5: Each stretch mark is unique to you!
6: Gaining weight isn’t anything to be ashamed of. Gaining weight doesn’t make you any less beautiful or worthy than you are. Your weight does not define you!
7: They are an artwork of your body! Nobody’s stretch marks look the same, so they are your own personal, unique artwork! Your body is a beautiful canvas, and every stretch mark is a work of art!
Stretch marks are normal, natural, and beautiful! They deserve to be celebrated and embraced. Stretch marks are a daily reminder that our bodies are incredible and capable of some really cool things! Give your stretch marks some extra love today — they deserve it!