ctual footage of my mental health declining due to bad body image.

It isn't humanly possible to be positive & to love/accept yourself 24/7- this is one of those times for me.
I took these photos about 20 minutes ago in our hotel bathroom before my shower & my God, can period bloat & harsh lighting lower your self-esteem.
We are away at the moment & all day long I've felt SAD, SAD, SAD because of how I look
- I felt guilty over everything I ate
- I looked at myself in every reflective surface
- I kept running my hands over my stomach to see if I was still bloated (in my head, fat)
- I thought about not eating for a couple of days
These are the detrimental effects that we experience because of ideal beauty standards & I f*cking hate it!!
I dislike these photos & I wanted to post them exactly for that reason.
Just know that, everybody goes through these days, even people who appear to be body confident.