h, the beauty standards of the 21st century: if it’s not the latest skincare miracle, it’s some mysterious "magic" pill that will help you shed pounds faster than you can say "Kardashian." We’ve all been there—teens, tweens, and thirty-somethings alike—gazing into the mirror and wondering why, oh why, we didn’t inherit Gisele’s legs or Beyoncé’s everything. But in the midst of all that doom and gloom stands a hero, or rather, a shero: Ludgy de Souza, a woman who has embraced every curve, every inch, every fabulous strand of her glorious Brazilian heritage, and, dare I say it—she is flawless.

So how did she do it? How did Ludgy, once a victim of the skinny-girl pressure cooker that is adolescence, go from soothing her emotional wounds with cupcakes (relatable) to becoming a body-positive goddess who’s inspiring other women to see their own reflection through a love-filled lens?
Let’s start with the drama—because every good story has one.
Growing up, Ludgy was never what society deemed "the slim girl," a title that, much like a dubious beauty queen crown, was always handed out to the thinnest person in the room. But Ludgy? Oh, she didn’t notice the difference. Not at first. She saw herself and her friends as equals, frolicking through life, blissfully unaware that the world had rules about size. That is, until puberty reared its ugly head and society—being the insufferable know-it-all that it is—decided to weigh in (pun intended).
Cue the teenage nightmare: the pressure to be skinny came down like a pair of too-tight jeans. The more Ludgy was bullied, the more she sought comfort in a friend who never let her down—food. The emotional hunger was real, and Ludgy ate to soothe. And who could blame her? We’ve all had that love affair with late-night snacks after a bad day, right?

Fast forward to adulthood, and our protagonist was faced with a decision: continue to wallow in the societal quicksand of comparison, or rise up, donut in hand, and declare that her body was exactly how it was meant to be. Spoiler alert: she chose the latter. She took one look at herself and said, "You know what, world? I look fabulous, and it’s time you caught up."
With that, Ludgy flipped the narrative. She stopped trying to squeeze into society’s too-small box of beauty and realized that her body—her magnificent curves, her radiant skin—wasn’t the problem. The problem was society’s warped idea of what beauty should be.

So how does one overcome years of ingrained negativity? Well, Ludgy took to her mirror and penned love notes to herself like the body-positive Shakespeare she is. And they weren’t the cringe-worthy affirmations you see plastered on Pinterest. No, these were Ludgy Originals:
- “Ludgy, you are beautiful.”
- “Having curves makes me fabulous.”
- “I am a goddess—inside and out.”
- “Strong? Check. Gorgeous? Double check.”
She also made self-care non-negotiable. Massages, facials—basically, Ludgy treats herself the way the rest of us treat our Uber Eats orders: regularly and with a sense of devotion.

Now, if you’re thinking Ludgy’s wisdom stops at self-love, think again. In a world where society still insists on rules—who made them, by the way?—Ludgy has a master plan for the future: heart transplants. Okay, not literally. But if she had her way, everyone would undergo a soul makeover, complete with a kindness upgrade. After all, when your heart is open, you see beauty everywhere—whether someone’s a size 2 or 22.

As if she weren’t already iconic, Ludgy’s favorite features are her eyes, lips, and hair—a trio she lovingly refers to as “Brazilian fabulousness.” These features tie her back to her roots, reminding her that beauty is both skin-deep and culturally rich. Her lips, her hair—they aren’t just assets; they’re her connection to her heritage, her history, her identity. And that, my dear readers, is why Ludgy de Souza is winning at life.

Enter SundayMorningView (SMV), the publication that helped Ludgy take her self-love game to new heights. When photographer Karlo Gomez reached out to her, Ludgy was over the moon. Finally, someone saw her beauty the way she did—sans filters, sans edits, just pure, unadulterated Ludgy. SMV gave her a platform to not only love herself but to inspire other women to love themselves too. And that’s where the real magic happens—when women, standing united, say, "We are beautiful, exactly as we are."
Ludgy de Souza isn’t just another body-positive advocate. She’s a walking, talking (and fabulous-looking) reminder that self-love is the best kind of love. Whether you’re curvy, slim, or somewhere in between, Ludgy’s journey tells us that beauty isn’t about fitting into someone else’s mold—it’s about celebrating who you are, every single day.
So the next time you’re in front of the mirror, channel your inner Ludgy: wink, smile, and say, “Damn, I’m fabulous.”

She can be found on IG: @Mvcllemos @ludydesouza