Smv doesn't believe in airbrushing it's photos

Jul 27, 2020
Written by
Photographed by
Karlo Gomez

his is a short insight to why Smv doesn't believe in airbrushing it's photos.

For over 3 years now we have not airbrushed our SundayGirls. Our Founder and Head Photographer Karlo Gomez takes pride in shooting imagery that showcases women's true beauty, "a photo's rawness is what keeps it real," says Karlo.

SundayGirl - Gabrielle Upshaw

"I believe many women love this because it captures the realness behind every woman and that realness is relatable," Karlo says.

SundayGirl - Sarah Contreras

Karlo adds, "Smv Celebrates women as they are, cellulite, stretch marks

and all the beauty marks that make women beautiful!

I hope more brands can see that RAW AUTHENTIC BEAUTY outshines fabricated photos any day!"

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