e asked Shareefa J to share some insight into her life as a Black curve model with an afro in the modeling industry.
At 28 years old, I’ve been working as a model since I was 21, and my journey has been filled with roadblocks, mostly due to my afro and body shape. My hair has been the main source of my struggles. Clients have often labeled it as "too ethnic," "difficult to work with," or "dry and scraggly." The list of criticisms goes on. I spent much of my career battling with my former agent to let me wear my hair naturally, only to be told, "Without the wig, you’re not ethnically ambiguous enough to sell products." This went on until 2018, but then the release of Black Panther suddenly made having an afro trendy.
Then came the challenges with my body: I was told my breasts weren’t big enough for a curve model, so I had to use extensive padding to work for most mainstream brands. Apparently, all curvy women are expected to have hourglass figures with flat tummies… which is completely ridiculous. I finally called BS on my former agent after they suggested I get a boob job.
Despite these obstacles, I love being a model. The journey to loving my appearance wasn’t easy, but I’m proud to say that over the years, I’ve stood up for what I believe in. Aside from the occasional wig, I’ve always remained unedited and natural. I believe it’s important for young women to know they’re beautiful without resorting to fakery, surgery, or juice cleanses and slimming teas. One of my favorite sayings is, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
I’ve lost opportunities with major brands because I didn’t agree with their aesthetic, but I have no regrets. I hope women everywhere can embrace their natural beauty and love themselves—rolls, cellulite, natural hair, and all!

To see more of Shareefa and to follow her journey, say hello on instagram @shareefa_j