or centuries we have lived in a world full of stereotypes that do not make it easy for us to love each other as we are. These have changed over time, but have always been present. For all these reasons, coming to accept ourselves may be a long and difficult road, but it is certainly worth the effort.
Social networks, TV ads or any other kind of ads don't help either. What they show us are perfect bodies without marks of any kind, wrinkles or imperfections. It is true that there are bodies like this, which require a lot of work and effort, but not all of them are.
Personally, I have to say that for some time all these things, together with other people's criticism, mainly from women unfortunately, affected my perception of my body. It took a lot of inner work to realize that my body is wonderful just the way it is.

Almost all women have stretch marks, cellulite or something we might want to change in ourselves, and that's okay. It's okay to want to remove those marks, just like it's okay not to. The beauty of each person goes far beyond simple marks on the skin.
In the past I used to worry too much about them and how to erase them, until I stopped to think about why they bothered me so much. The moment I stopped listening to what others were saying, I began to love my body. I realized that no one is perfect and everyone has their own complexes and insecurities, and what I did was work on mine.

My work as a dancer has also helped me to be more disciplined and to take better care of myself. Although I no longer do this just for aesthetics, which is also true since my body is my working tool, but for health and wellbeing.
Today I can say that I couldn't be happier with my body and my curves. It only remains for me to tell you to look at your body with pride, whatever shape it is or whatever marks it has! All of this is what makes us unique.

In the end, it's up to us to accept ourselves. And I can assure you that doing so makes life much happier!
Say hi to Aurea on Instagram @aurea.febraio