e had a chat with Corin Clay about her journey to loving her body, what it was like growing up, and how her views have changed over time. We all go through these struggles and are constantly battling with ourselves. It’s so important to learn from others, as it helps us on our own journey to self-love.
"I’ve learned to own my stripes and polka dots. Growing up, I always hated the way I was shaped. My hips were wide, and my thighs were jiggly. Most of the other girls in my grade were thin, and everyone was obsessed with being thin. In gym class, they would grab their small thighs and complain about how 'big' they were, while I would just awkwardly smile and remain quiet, wishing my thighs were thin. I was afraid to wear a bathing suit because my body was so developed, and I had stretch marks all over. I think every girl goes through a phase like this because commercial beauty teaches us that perfect women have no cellulite or stretch marks. But now I’ve grown to realize that cellulite is NORMAL."

Stretch marks are NORMAL. Not only are they normal, but they’re beautiful. I love my body and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

"Women are like snowflakes; no two are alike. It’s a part of what makes me ME. So here they are ✨☺️"

To see more of Corin, say hello on her IG @ohheycori