Double Trouble, Double Empowerment: How the Om Twins Reflect True Body Love

Oct 13, 2020
Written by
Sara C.
Photographed by
Karlo Gomez

estled in the tropical allure of Playa del Carmen, Mexican-born twin sisters Eileen and Gilian, known as the Om Twins, are redefining what it means to love your body. At 28 years young, these powerhouse women are challenging society's beauty standards, tearing down the walls of machismo culture, and lighting the path toward real self-love—because yes, it's that important.

Growing up in a world that prizes perfection over authenticity can feel like an unwinnable battle. For Eileen and Gilian, it was no different. “We grew up chasing these impossible beauty standards,” they admit. "At one point, it made us hate our bodies and blinded us from seeing what was shining back in the mirror." But what was once a dim light is now shining brighter than ever, thanks to their determination to knock down the walls of shame, criticism, and societal pressures that try to control how women should act, dress, and feel about themselves.

They believe the issue boils down to how women speak to themselves daily.

“Words are so powerful. If you keep feeding yourself negative thoughts, you’ll eventually believe them."

It's a toxic cycle, and breaking it means reclaiming your inner dialogue. Imagine waking up each day and greeting yourself with affirmations like "I am beautiful" or "Thank you, body, for all you do for me." Life-changing, right? This positivity is the duo’s secret weapon to overcoming the waves of negativity.

As personal trainers and vegan advocates, Eileen and Gilian are all about aligning body and mind. They’re firm believers that the way we talk to ourselves shapes our relationship with our bodies. "We have to be our own cheerleaders," they proclaim. Whether you’re grumbling over stretch marks or celebrating toned arms, their message is clear: be kind to yourself. Appreciate what you can change, like your fitness level or diet, and embrace what you can’t—like your height or age. These attributes, they argue, are what make you uniquely you, and that’s worth celebrating.

Fitness, they say, isn’t about punishment. It’s about gratitude for your body.

“Work out because you love your body, not because you hate it.”

Their own workouts are driven by self-love, turning exercise into a celebration of strength and endurance rather than a race for some unattainable "ideal" body.

Eileen and Gilian believe that true beauty begins with safety—feeling secure in one's own skin without fear of objectification or harm. “Women often hide their bodies out of fear," they explain, reflecting on the struggles of women in many parts of the world where machismo culture thrives. "The women’s rights movement is finally gaining traction, but we have to keep fighting. We want to live in a world where we can love ourselves without fear."

It's not just about changing laws or mindsets; it’s about fostering a culture where women lift each other up. The Om Twins emphasize the importance of unity among women, adding that the real power lies in sisterhood. "When we all unite... nothing can stop us."

Ask the Om Twins what they love most about their bodies, and you’ll get an answer brimming with wonder: "The amazing ability it has to transform." They believe that if you treat your body with care and patience, it will reward you in magical ways. And yes, that’s exactly how they describe it—magic. Whether through fitness or veganism, they’ve seen firsthand how bodies respond to love. “Self-love is the least we can do to repay all that our bodies do for us."

That spirit of body positivity was at the heart of their recent makeup-free photoshoot with Karlo Gomez, which they described as an empowering experience. “We usually pose for Instagram, doing things like the famous booty pop," they laugh. "But this shoot was about stepping out of that comfort zone and just being in the moment. We felt comfortable, happy, and most importantly, ourselves."

Staying healthy is a family affair for the Om Twins, who credit veganism, fitness, and quality time together as their recipe for well-being. With a training routine set in stone and a flexible vegan diet packed with fruits, veggies, and their go-to protein powder, VidaBirdman, these sisters practice what they preach. “We eat the rainbow,” they say, and it shows. Their hair, which they humorously dub their "best physical feature," has flourished since going vegan, growing stronger and shinier.

As for the physical activities that keep them feeling alive? It’s all about balance. Gym sessions, walking their dog Leon, meditation, and, of course, dancing are essential parts of their wellness routine. Whether they're sculpting muscles or clearing their minds, movement is their love language.

For any woman struggling to love her body, the Om Twins offer a piece of advice:


Seriously, stop comparing yourself to others. They advocate for following only those who make you feel good and unfollowing anyone who doesn’t contribute to your self-love journey. “Don’t feel like you have to change to please someone or fit in. Enjoy your body to the fullest because this moment, right now, is the youngest you’ll ever be."

And if the journey to self-love feels lonely, remember: you're never alone. “Talking about what’s holding you back is important," they say. Whether it’s advice on going vegan or tips for working out, Eileen and Gilian are always happy to help.

Being part of SundayMorningView’s empowering community has been life-changing for the twins. "It's such a moving and beautiful experience to work with people who help women around the world love themselves." Their involvement with SMV has only reinforced their mission to uplift women and remind them of their worth.

Eileen and Gilian—the Om Twins—are a living testament to the transformative power of positivity, self-love, and sisterhood. They're not just rewriting the narrative on beauty—they're flipping the script entirely. And if their journey teaches us anything, it's that loving yourself, flaws and all, is the most revolutionary act of all.

Follow the Om Twins: @om_twiins

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