rom: A wounded heart.
To: Superficial beauty
Dear Future Self,
What defines beauty? For years, society has dictated what is perceived as beautiful. But I say no more. Why do we put filters on everything? Is it because we don’t believe in ourselves? Beauty pageants and celebrities make people feel like they are not good enough. We cover our scars, dark circles, and pimples—but who are we hiding them from? Ourselves? These things are part of who we are. Your scars, your imperfections, your tanned skin, and your not-so-prominent jawline define you. This is who you truly are. Come out of your shell and don’t be afraid to show the world the real YOU.
If we don’t love ourselves for who we are, how can we expect anyone else to? In a world with a population of over 7 billion people, we should strive to be unique—to make our mark by showing society that we won’t let it dictate what we wear or how we dress.
Which brings me to a controversial topic: makeup.
Gone are the days when makeup was only used by women. Today, it is seen as a tool to enhance one’s features and conceal flaws. But is that really what it is? The answer depends on perception. Should makeup be banned so people can accept themselves? Absolutely not. I believe it's perfectly fine for someone to wear makeup as long as it makes them happy and they can remove it at the end of the day without having a distorted belief about their true appearance.
There are days in my life when I choose not to wear makeup because those are the days when I am truly happy with myself. But there are also days when I wear makeup to stand out from the crowd and look in the mirror and smile.
To all the girls out there who think they are not beautiful or that their complexion doesn’t suit them, just know that beauty lies in your heart. Beauty comes from confidence. Wear your confidence, and that makes you beautiful.