was once asked, “Laura, how did you manage to accept yourself, appreciate your body?”
“How did you manage to overcome that sense of inadequacy?!” Because I struggle, I have cellulite, stretch marks and every time I look at myself I feel like crying, I hate myself, and I'm tired of feeling like this!
Tell me what can I do?!
This is one of the questions that I receive most often that makes my heart hurt the most.
I would like to run there and give her a big hug, because I know that shitty feeling!
Things can change.
Some of you think "well it’s easy for you to say because you're tall and blonde, what do you have to complain about?" But, I’m no different than you.
Let's start with this, let’s stop comparing ourselves to other women and let's stop needing to feel more or less than others.
Everyone has their own story, everyone suffers, even the most beautiful women in the world suffer from a sense of inadequacy or depression, even myself because I wanted to be thin.
Being thin was my first and only goal for so long.
Trying to lower my weight (which back then I wanted to thinner and thinner) which resulted into getting really sick and suffering from bulimia.
I was already a curvy model in Italy, but this job was not helpful to my self-esteem, on the contrary, I was always under scrutiny and consideration for how many centimeters I was and I was always a few centimeters too much for the gig!
Let's talk about 11 years ago. I didn't know who I was and what I wanted, what I could do ... nothing!
In my adolescence I had done millions of diets like the Scarsdale Diet, I even tried to lose 10kg in 10 days, and once I tried to feed on only pills of amino acids and vegetables ...CRAZY!
A few years later, after a very painful episode from dieting, I decided that I had to get my life back and I even told my parents about my bulimia.
Even just thinking about that look in my mother's eyes fills my eyes with tears, it was the look they show in the paintings of Madonna. Pained and resigned to not being able to do something, a look that a mother should never have.
Between my ups and downs I started to talk about myself on my blog and then on Instagram, where I discovered a fantastic new world, seeing other curvy women who put on tight clothes while showing off a big smile!
I said to myself “ I could do this too!”
I can become proud of who I am and no longer feel ashamed of my body!
So I started posting my outfits, giving advice to curvy girls like myself and sharing my personal discoveries. People, especially many women, like to see a natural body, with its characteristics and it gives the strength to see one's own body under a different, new and beautiful light!
From there I understood more and more how Instagram exchanges energy.
If you give positive energy, positive energy returns EVERYWHERE! Back to you!
By sharing my story like this, I have become increasingly aware that my body is not wrong and that indeed, I am grateful for her.
I believe that all of us need to work on our soul and become proud of the people we are through our actions more than our characteristics.
blonde, brunette, thin, curvy, gay, foreign are only adjectives that indicate a characteristic.
Let's be proud of us as people,
To work on ourselves to try to be at our best with our body and mind FREE FROM OBSESSIONS!

~ Laura Brioschi [ lovecurvy__laurabrioschi ]